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Quadrant Chart

A quadrant chart is a visual representation of data that is divided into four quadrants. It is used to plot data points on a two-dimensional grid, with one variable represented on the x-axis and another variable represented on the y-axis. The quadrants are determined by dividing the chart into four equal parts based on a set of criteria that is specific to the data being analyzed. Quadrant charts are often used to identify patterns and trends in data, and to prioritize actions based on the position of data points within the chart. They are commonly used in business, marketing, and risk management, among other fields.




If there are no points available in the chart both axis text and quadrant will be rendered in the center of the respective quadrant. If there are points x-axis labels will rendered from the left of the respective quadrant also they will be displayed at the bottom of the chart, and y-axis labels will be rendered at the bottom of the respective quadrant, the quadrant text will render at the top of the respective quadrant.


For points x and y value min value is 0 and max value is 1.


The title is a short description of the chart and it will always render on top of the chart.


    title This is a sample example


The x-axis determines what text would be displayed in the x-axis. In x-axis there is two part left and right you can pass both or you can pass only left. The statement should start with x-axis then the left axis text followed by the delimiter --> then right axis text.


  1. x-axis <text> --> <text> both the left and right axis text will be rendered.
  2. x-axis <text> only the left axis text will be rendered.


The y-axis determines what text would be displayed in the y-axis. In y-axis there is two part top and bottom you can pass both or you can pass only bottom. The statement should start with y-axis then the bottom axis text followed by the delimiter --> then top axis text.


  1. y-axis <text> --> <text> both the bottom and top axis text will be rendered.
  2. y-axis <text> only the bottom axis text will be rendered.

Quadrants text

The quadrant-[1,2,3,4] determine what text would be displayed inside the quadrants.


  1. quadrant-1 <text> determine what text will be rendered inside the top right quadrant.
  2. quadrant-2 <text> determine what text will be rendered inside the top left quadrant.
  3. quadrant-3 <text> determine what text will be rendered inside the bottom left quadrant.
  4. quadrant-4 <text> determine what text will be rendered inside the bottom right quadrant.


Points are used to plot a circle inside the quadrantChart. The syntax is <text>: [x, y] here x and y value is in the range 0 - 1.


  1. Point 1: [0.75, 0.80] here the Point 1 will be drawn in the top right quadrant.
  2. Point 2: [0.35, 0.24] here the Point 2 will be drawn in the bottom left quadrant.

Chart Configurations

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
chartWidthWidth of the chart500
chartHeightHeight of the chart500
titlePaddingTop and Bottom padding of the title10
titleFontSizeTitle font size20
quadrantPaddingPadding outside all the quadrants5
quadrantTextTopPaddingQuadrant text top padding when text is drawn on top ( not data points are there)5
quadrantLabelFontSizeQuadrant text font size16
quadrantInternalBorderStrokeWidthBorder stroke width inside the quadrants1
quadrantExternalBorderStrokeWidthQuadrant external border stroke width2
xAxisLabelPaddingTop and bottom padding of x-axis text5
xAxisLabelFontSizeX-axis texts font size16
xAxisPositionPosition of x-axis (top , bottom) if there are points the x-axis will always be rendered in bottom'top'
yAxisLabelPaddingLeft and Right padding of y-axis text5
yAxisLabelFontSizeY-axis texts font size16
yAxisPositionPosition of y-axis (left , right)'left'
pointTextPaddingPadding between point and the below text5
pointLabelFontSizePoint text font size12
pointRadiusRadius of the point to be drawn5

Chart Theme Variables

quadrant1FillFill color of the top right quadrant
quadrant2FillFill color of the top left quadrant
quadrant3FillFill color of the bottom left quadrant
quadrant4FillFill color of the bottom right quadrant
quadrant1TextFillText color of the top right quadrant
quadrant2TextFillText color of the top left quadrant
quadrant3TextFillText color of the bottom left quadrant
quadrant4TextFillText color of the bottom right quadrant
quadrantPointFillPoints fill color
quadrantPointTextFillPoints text color
quadrantXAxisTextFillX-axis text color
quadrantYAxisTextFillY-axis text color
quadrantInternalBorderStrokeFillQuadrants inner border color
quadrantExternalBorderStrokeFillQuadrants outer border color
quadrantTitleFillTitle color

Example on config and theme

Point styling

Points can either be styled directly or with defined shared classes

  1. Direct styling
Point A: [0.9, 0.0] radius: 12
Point B: [0.8, 0.1] color: #ff3300, radius: 10
Point C: [0.7, 0.2] radius: 25, color: #00ff33, stroke-color: #10f0f0  
Point D: [0.6, 0.3] radius: 15, stroke-color: #00ff0f, stroke-width: 5px ,color: #ff33f0
  1. Classes styling
Point A:::class1: [0.9, 0.0]
Point B:::class2: [0.8, 0.1]
Point C:::class3: [0.7, 0.2]
Point D:::class3: [0.7, 0.2]
classDef class1 color: #109060
classDef class2 color: #908342, radius : 10, stroke-color: #310085, stroke-width: 10px
classDef class3 color: #f00fff, radius : 10

Available styles:

colorFill color of the point
radiusRadius of the point
stroke-widthBorder width of the point
stroke-colorBorder color of the point (useless when stroke-width is not specified)


Order of preference:

  1. Direct styles
  2. Class styles
  3. Theme styles

Example on styling